
Last Minute Toy Store is a 100% volunteer effort. Volunteers from churches, businesses, and various communities come and help during the operation of LMtS.

Last Minute Toy Store

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for LMtS 2024!

Christmas Star Santa


We will have volunteers from all over come and serve! It’s an amazing opportunity to come together for the sake of others!

We can’t THANK YOU enough for considering and signing up to serve at the Last Minute Toy Store.

All volunteers must be 16+ years.

But don’t despair for those aren’t quite 16 yet! We have come up with a secondary plan for our younger people to volunteer in another way! We would love to recruit you to coordinate a LMtS Toy Drive for us! Young people have some of the most creative minds and we would love to have you use your talents in helping collecting toys on behalf of LMtS. Contact lmts.volunteers@gmail.com for more details.


Last Minute Toy Store is only possible because of the hundreds of volunteers that support it each year during the actual days of the toy store, as well as before the store even opens. Be sure to click below to find out what those opportunities are as well. You can select as few or as many different days to serve as you would like.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ – We ask that whatever you sign up for, make note of the times for that volunteer opportunity and plan to fulfill your commitment to serve the entire time. We cannot have people leaving before the assigned time is over, otherwise the toy store will not run as smoothly as it should and the FAMILIES IN NEED will be the ones affected due to volunteer shortages.

If you should have any questions about volunteering, please contact lmts.volunteers@gmail.com

Last Minute Toy Store Location

Sheriff’s Office Services Center
5117 Harding Place
Nashville, TN 37211
(From I-24: Turn Right just past Nashville Athletic Club behind the Metro Police South Precinct in the ‘Christmas Red’ Metal SOSC Building)